Die fortnite battle royale-Tagebücher

Tob 0 Frags – + Max_So how do you use that exactly? Do you stumm have -default I your launch options and those commands rein an autoexec or what. I'm slightly confused

gemm 1 Frags – + i get crashes randomly during playing (and at the SAME POINT each time in benchmark2 which ran fine with my old autoexec) after using -autoconfig and execing the default cfg and my autoexec

8 : Disable Windows Update Delivery Optimization. Windows Updates has a Rahmen where it can munch your bandwidth by sending Windows updates to other PCs on the net. It’s worth turning this off as it can affect your gameplay and also eat into any data allowance you might have.

Anyway, before we dive into each Computerspiel, let’s have a look at the top things you need to do in order to get your PC or laptop hinein shape for the latest blockbuster releases:

Anti-Aliasing - We recommend going for Medium or above, depending on the power of your rig of course. Medium’s a nice balance for visuals and performance.

But when you Serie Fortnite to be a high priority you will allow your computer to dedicate more resources to it so you can get more FPS.

You may have both an HDD and SSD installed here in your computer, or you may not know which Durchschuss of drive you have.

Thinking about the computer, it is not necessary to forget and about the creation of the Internet. It gave also a great result for humanity.

You can get up to a 20% increase rein your FPS when you overclock your Computerkomponente, but this depends on how heavily you overclock and the quality of your overall Organismus.

If you have tried this and found your performance has actually worsened then don’t panic. Follow the same steps but enter this to reverse the Verfahren:

Again, scroll all the way down and make sure that Use Computerkomponente acceleration when available is turned off

Sobald du krüsch bist außerdem nicht jedes Profil hinter rechts wischst, sondern bloß die, die dir selbst wirklich gefallen, wird sogar dieses Verhalten vom Algorithmus belohnt des weiteren du siehst zukünftig hübschere Frauen und bekommst mehr Chancen auf Matches.

i took -default out after first launch so i could have my settings back, i assume that doesnt matter though?

i get crashes randomly during playing (and at the SAME POINT each time in benchmark2 which ran fine with my old autoexec) after using -autoconfig and execing the default cfg and my autoexec

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